GG Enemy Stat Lookup


This app allows you to conveniently generate stats for enemies, and balance encounters for Dungeons and Dragons 5e using the system outlined in GiffyGlyph's Monster Maker. Please note that this generator doesn't generate special attacks and other heavily customizable facets of enemies under GiffyGlyph's system, and should be used in tandem with the Monster Maker.

You can show/hide this information by clicking "Info" above.

To generate an enemy's stats, add an enemy to the encounter and adjust its Level, Rank, and Role. Duplicate enemies can be added to the encounter by adjusting the enemy's Quantity. All of these adjustments will be taken into account in the "Threat Spent" to help you balance the encounter. To balance the encounter, set the number of PCs, their average level and the difficulty of the encounter, and compare your "Threat Budget" to the Threat Spent on enemies.

Please note that none of the stats are rounded so that you can choose whether to round up or down as you please. The "To Hit Bonus" and "Offensive DC" of enemies accounts for the highest Ability Modifier and the Proficiency Bonus. The number of suggested "Base Features" (regular attacks, special attacks, and other heavily customizable features from the Monster Maker) ignore Rank Features and Role Features. These are "bonus" features on top of the Base Features.

You can name enemies, and names will be saved between stat adjustments. Please note that enemy and encounter data is not saved, and will be lost when the page is closed or refreshed.

Number of PCs

Average PC Level

Encounter Difficulty

Threat Budget:


Threat Spent: